Accessing your health record

Find out how to request information about your health record

Your Summary Care Record contains important information about any medicines you are taking, any allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines that you have previously experienced. 

Allowing authorised healthcare staff to have access to this information will improve decision making by doctors and other healthcare professionals and has prevented mistakes being made when patients are being cared for in an emergency or when their GP practice is closed. 

Your Summary Care Record also includes your name, address, date of birth and your unique NHS Number to help identify you correctly. 

You may want to add other details about your care to your Summary Care Record. This will only happen if both you and your GP agree to do this.  

Healthcare staff will have access to this information, so that they can provide safer care, whenever or wherever you need it, anywhere in England. 

Healthcare staff who have access to your Summary Care Record:
• need to be directly involved in caring for you
• need to have an NHS Smartcard with a chip and passcode
• will only see the information they need to do their job and
• will have their details recorded every time they look at your record
Healthcare staff will ask for your permission every time they need to look at your Summary Care Record. If they cannot ask you (for example if you are unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate), healthcare staff may look at your record without asking you, because they consider that this is in your best interest.
If they have to do this, this decision will be recorded and checked to ensure that the access was appropriate.

You can choose to have a Summary Care Record or you can choose to opt out.
If you choose to have a Summary Care Record and are registered with a GP practice, you do not need to do anything as a Summary Care Record is created for you.
If you choose to opt out of having a Summary Care Record and do not want a SCR, you need to let your us know by filling in and returning an opt-out form. Contact us to request one.

If you are the parent or guardian of a child under 16, you should make this information available to them and support the child to come to a decision as to whether to have a Summary Care Record or not.
If you believe that your child should opt-out of having a Summary Care Record, we strongly recommend that you discuss this with your child’s GP. This will allow your child’s GP to highlight the consequences of opting-out, prior to you finalising your decision.
Where can I get more information?
For more information about Summary Care Records, you can:
• talk to the staff at the GP practice
• phone the Health and Social Care Information Centre on 0300 303 5678
• Read the Summary Care Record patient information

Here are some resources from organisations and charities that can support your health and wellbeing. 

Visual menu to show: 

  • Carer support 
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) Information 
  • Children’s Mental Health 

Carers Support 

A carer is someone who provides unpaid help and support to a partner, relative, friend or neighbor who could not manage without this help. 

The person you care for could be either an adult or child, with: 

  • A medical or long-term condition 
  • A physical or learning disability 
  • Sensory impairment 
  • Dementia 
  • A mental health condition 
  • Substance dependency 

For many being a carer is rewarding with many positive aspects.  However, at the practice we recognise being a carer can also leave you needing support. Identifying yourself as a carer is key to accessing the support, advice and information you need. 

Register with us as a carer  by completing our Carers ID Referral form v1.1 Aug 21  You can return your completed form to Reception or email it to 

Below are some links that you may find useful: 

Carers Network Newsletter May – July 2019 

Open Age Time for Me Carers Westminster Programme April – June 2019 

Healthy Caring Guide: 

NHS UK: A guide for people who have care and support needs, their carers, and people who are planning their future care needs. 

Carers Network: Advice, information and support for carers over the age of 18 who look after an adult living in Westminster.  They can complete a Carers Assessment with you and help you apply for Carers Personal Budget if eligible. 

Camden Carers Service: Advice, information and support for carers over the age of 18 who live in Camden or look after an adult living in Camden. 

People first: Council run and funded, the site provides information on private, voluntary and public sector services for older adults, people living with disabilities and carers in Westminster 

Westminster City Council: Information and advice about care and support in Westminster 

Camden Care Choices: Information and advice about care and support for adults in Camden 


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) Information 


LGBT Foundation 

The LGBT Foundation’s Helpline Service, has been running for 35 years and provides thousands of hours of advice and support to thousands of people every year on a huge range of issues. 

The Helpline is staffed by a team of dedicated staff and volunteer operators, all of whom receive extensive training and support.  

56 Dean Street 

56 Dean Street is a friendly, convenient and free NHS sexual health and HIV/GUM clinic in the heart of London’s Soho. Click on the link 56 Dean Street to go to the website. 

Did you know? 56 Dean Street has a specialised clinic providing cervical screening sensitive to the needs of trans men and non-binary people.  


Childhood and Teenage Mental Health 

While it is commonly believed that depression only effects adults, around 10% of children in Great Britain aged between 5 and 16 have a recognizable mental disorder; with about 4% of children suffering from an emotional disorder such as anxiety or depression. 

The problem for many is that depression is difficult to spot and often regarded as teenage mood swings. However, if your child is appearing to have an extreme emotional response to a life event or has lost interest in activities which previously interested them they may be suffering from an emotional disorder. 

If you are worried about your child’s mental health please visit your GP, who will be able to offer a range of support to help both you and your child. There are a range of talking therapies which are highly effective in dealing with both short term and long term depression, for more information on these therapies please view the NHS Talking Therapy Guide. 

Useful links 

  • Barnardo’s Mental Health Support for children and adolescents 
  • Mind- Mental Health Charity 
  • Sane – Mental Health Support 
  • Rethink Mental Illness 
  • Kooth (11 – 18 year olds)